The future is functional

DataForge is the first framework to enable purely functional data transformation code. Avoid pitfalls associated with procedural pipelines and apply software engineering best practices such as DRY, composability, and extensibility. With DataForge’s declarative approach, you can focus on what to build, not how.

The next generation of data transformation

No more boiler plate or

Develop Faster

Replace verbose SQL statements and DDL with functional snippets that automate dependencies, manage tables/views, and check for duplicate statements. Use the DataForge Cloud IDE to leverage auto-complete, real-time syntax checking, and templates to define transformations quickly with less code.

Add logic without editing existing pipelines

Extend with ease

Leave production code in place by adding functions rather than editing existing code. Add new logic at any point in the chain without the need for detailed code analysis or regression testing.

Code adapts automatically with data changes

Automate evolution

Schema evolution and metadata services provided by DataForge Cloud generate and adjust code real-time when columns are added or changed in source systems. No need to update pipelines or backfill missing elements.

Consistent patterns and standard designs

Simplify governance

Functional code is inherently more consistently designed than procedural scripts. Leverage CI/CD integrations and the DataForge Cloud observability database to quickly and easily review and query code snippets to check for inconsistent patterns and practices.

DataForge Cloud

Dataforge Cloud is the fastest and most reliable way to deploy DataForge. Develop, orchestrate, operate, and audit functional code pipelines in an all-in-one web-based UI.

DataForge Core

DataForge Core is an open source command line tool that enables teams to write functional data transformation code following software engineering best practices and principles.